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Terms and Conditions

This website is owned by Paul C.K. Tang & Chiu (“us”, “we” and “our”). The terms and conditions for your use of our website are set out below. If they are not acceptable to you, your use of this website must be terminated immediately.

  1. You agree to use our website for purposes which are permitted under the applicable laws and regulations in Hong Kong and in the country in which you access this website.
  2. You agree not to inhibit, prevent or restrict any third party from using or enjoying our website, and shall not infringe their rights.
  3. You agree not to import, transfer or place onto our website any information or contents which is or may be defamatory, obscene, pornographic, offensive, abusive, inaccurate, misleading or in breach of any applicable laws and regulations, in particular, any intellectual property rights and moral rights.
  4. You agree not to do anything which may damage the software or otherwise affect the function and performance of our website. You agree not to link to our website.
  5. You agree to use the information and contents of our website solely for your own private use, and not for any commercial or public purpose. You are permitted to print limited numbers of hard copies of any part of our website for your own personal use and shall not use such copies for commercial purposes. Under no circumstances will you store in any medium, distribute, transfer, transmit, re-transmit, forward, broadcast, publish, modify or show in public any part of our website without our prior written consent.
  6. We reserve the right to prevent, prohibit or deny your access to this website.
  7. All rights, including copyrights, database rights, and other intellectual property rights in our website and its contents are owned by (or are licensed to) us. We may, at any time, without prior notice to you, amend, delete or add any content in our website, or to alter the layout, presentation, structure, or functionality of our website.
  8. You agree that we may disclose and incorporate into our website any ideas, suggestions or feedback received from you without any payment to you. You agree to waive, and do waive all and any rights to fees, royalties, charges, expenses or payments.
  9. We welcome you to make an inquiry to us through our website, and we will endeavour to assist you. However, our receipt of your message does not constitute our acceptance of any instructions from you to act for you. We will separately communicate with you to agree the terms of any retainer.

Personal Information Collection Statement / Confidentiality

When you make an inquiry to us through our website, your personal data collected by us will be used for the purpose of assessing the merits of your case and providing advice to you. We will hold the information which you give to us in strict confidence.


  1. Although care had been taken in preparing the information and contents of our website, such information is for general information purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for legal advice for individual cases.
  2. The information and contents of our website do not constitute our provision of any legal advice to you.
  3. Some of the information in our website may contain information sourced by us from third parties, such as law reports, the Hong Kong Judiciary, the Department of Justice, news agencies, press releases, business information sources and/or other references or sources. Whilst care had been taken to ensure the information in our website are accurate and correct, we cannot and do not have the responsibility to check and verify that such information is or will forever remain accurate and up-to-date.
  4. There may be links on our website which take you to other websites or contacts. Such links are for your information purposes only. We have no responsibility to check and verify the contents and information in those websites, which are not within our control. The links and the information in those websites are not necessarily agreeable by us and we do not endorse such information, even though we have placed such links in our website.
  5. Any reliance on the information in our website is entirely at your own risk. We exclude all and any liability and responsibility for any loss which may arise from your reliance on the contents and information in our website and/or from your accessing, using or downloading information from our website.

Governing, Law and Jurisdiction

The terms and conditions and your use of our website are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All and any disputes arising from these terms and conditions or your use of our website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts.